
R (Mowlem PLC) v HM Assistant Deputy Coroner for the District of Avon; and Jennifer Cox (interested party)

Authors / Contributors: Bridget Dolan KC , Debra Powell KC
R (Mowlem PLC) v HM Assistant Deputy Coroner for the District of Avon; and Jennifer Cox (interested party)
Issue: Whether, where words describing how the deceased had come by his death had unlawfully been included in the inquisition, the court had power to substitute alternative words; the test to be applied in exercising such power; whether comments made by the coroner after delivery of the jury’s verdict were unlawful and should be quashed.
Court: Administrative Court
Reference:   CO/4556/2004
Neutral Citation:   [2005] EWHC 1359 Admin
Judge(s): Wilson J
Date: 13 May 2005